Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Bernese Mountain Dogs

About Us

Welcome to Haystack Acres, home of the BEST AKC/Internationally bred Bernese Mountain dogs and lovely low riding Pembroke Welsh Corgis! Lynn Hindman, President and owner of Haystack Acres has been breeding and showing her dogs since 1999 when it all began.

The Haystack Story

Haystack Acres began as a 40 acre parcel of pasture grass and a particularly big dream from a persistently big dreamer. While my new husband, (married in 1989) was designing the house we would call home, I was designing the ranch facilities I would call Haystack Acres.

The Horse History

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The Haystack Team

Accomplished Show Team 1996 to 2013. Thank you to all of you who have blessed my life over these years! First class instruction for youth and amateur riders. Extensive show team history.

Our Guardian Program

Over the years we have enjoyed working with families who have wanted to be part of our team in a very special way. While we would love to house every one of our precious pets inside our home full time, I simply can not spend my entire day picking up dog hair and all the joys of nature they bring into my home.

Our Facilities

Our whelping suite is state of the art in comfort and design. I have a large room in my house that is designated for whelping and the first 3-4 weeks of puppy hood. This allows me constant mama/puppy monitoring and hands on attention 24/7. The mamas enjoy all the extra love they receive.

Meet the Guardian Team

In id congue justo, quis vestibulum tortor. Curabitur vulputate, massa ut lobortis ultricies, orci sapien faucibus velit, et scelerisque libero tellus et mi. Phasellus sit amet ligula sed ex fermentum ornare et mi ut molestie.
Haystack Acres 6060 Niwot Rd Longmont, CO 80503 Lynn Hindman //
Copyright haystackacres © 2024. All rights reserved


Haystack Acres has been copied by a fraudulent scammer creating a website that is misrepresenting themselves as Haystack Acres.
DO NOT send them money, they are a scam, their puppies do NOT exist!! They have stolen my identity, including all of my Google reviews!